Sunday, March 29, 2009

Play Groups

(Harrison and Alaina)

Happy Girl!!

Dispite the sour look on Alaina's face she was giggling 2 seconds before the picture was taken. I guess we took too long, she had better things to do than pose for the camera:)

Here I come mom!!:)

Here are some pics from the last two play groups. The first is at the park. It was 75 degrees and just gorgeous. Alaina loved it! Towards the end she discovered the wood chips in the play area and wanted to crawl all in them. I was not too fond of that, so with quite a bit of frustration and tears we headed home. Life is rough when you are 1!

The last play group we all met at the mall play area. It was fun but a little stressful for all of the moms. There were too many older kids running and jumping around that we were worried our little ones would get smooshed:) So we packed up the babies and went shopping!

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