Monday, December 31, 2007

Final post of 2007

Look, this is hard. It's hard to come up with something interesting to write and then the composition itself requires a lot of effort. You people don't help because none of you ever indicate what you think by sending me email or leaving comments on this page. I need feedback. I know you are reading because you have said so, but how many, when, what did you like? For example, I have learned that the posting on the office Christmas email was popular, but not through this page. Based on your criticism of my Christmas letter each year, I know you people are not bashful, so bring it on.

I propose the following deal - I will post at least once per week and at least one of you readers will leave a comment each week. These comments need not be of the length or concentration of a full posting, but most be something more than, "Nice job." Deal?

I will begin again tomorrow and leave a first posting of the new year. My plan tonight is to follow alternating themes - (1) personal happenings, (2) political events/trends, (3) sporting events, and (4) work stories. The last will be the hardest because my stories are more tragic than funny anymore, but I will do what I can. In exchange, I ask only that some feedback be left from time to time.

On that note, I close and wish each of you a happy and healthy 2008. Best to all of us. I hope to see you and hear from you frequently on this trip around the sun. Until 2008, then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Chris

I do enjoy reading your thoughts, I just don't look at this very often. I will check on it more often.
Love you, Mom